Parjang presently the Assembly Constituency of Odisha Legislative Assembly, is situated 5 KM away from “Kualo”- State capital of Kodalak Mandal of Sulki Kings of seventh century became a part erstwhile princely state of Dhenkanal and got prominence as cantonment catchment centre during British rule. During freedom movements it was the epicenter of ‘Prajamandal Andolan’. Post independence era marked with keen activities in extension of education beyond Primary and Secondary level. To prepare the students for better future opened up by planned development and industrialization honourable and well-meaning people from every walk of life of the locality established Parjang Mahavidyalaya with individual contribution on 05.07.1979 Initially college started with 20 nos of students and 05 Nos. of faculty as a co-education college affiliated to Utkal University. Since then it has not looked back and within a span of 36 years it developed to be a full-fledged Degree College offering +3 Arts & Science courses accommodating Parjang Higher Secondary School offering Arts, Science & Commerce courses within its ambit. Further the Govt. Vocational Higher Secondary School, Parjang is functioning in the premises of Parjang Mahavidyalaya from the session 2008.
The college started from a School premises with 03 rooms. Now it has 10 acres of land and adequate infrastructure surrounded by lush greenery in the heart of Parjang. The Higher Secondary School is affiliated to CHSE from 1983, where as in Degree College affiliated to Utkal University in 1988 and registered under section 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act of 1956 from 2004. Henceforth this college is receiving UGC grants enabling it to reach higher benchmark of excellence.